Promoting the understanding of nature and the protection of wildlife
If You Find A Baby Squirrel
Gray squirrels nest twice each year, in early spring and in late summer.
Is the squirrel injured (bleeding, broken bones, wounds, been in a cat’s mouth, etc.)?
If YES, take the squirrel to the nearest wildlife veterinarian or rehabilitator (for juvenile squirrels, wear thick leather gloves when handling. Even young squirrels can bite!)
Warming the animal is very important - click here for How to Warm.
Is the squirrel fully furred with its eyes opened?
If YES, the squirrel still needs nursing and care from its mother. Mother squirrels may “rescue” stray babies and carry them back to the nest. Alternatively, place the baby in an open box [without a lid] at the base of the tree. Be sure the baby is warm or the parents may think it’s dead. Cold = death to wildlife.
Check back in an hour - if the baby is still there contact a state licensed small mammal rehabilitator immediately.
NOTE: Raising a wild animal in captivity is illegal unless you have a state license. For information on how you can become a permitted wildlife rehabilitatior contact info@ourwildneighbors